Level One Program Coordinator job at St. Dominic Hospital in Jackson

St. Dominic Hospital is at present looking to employ Level One Program Coordinator on Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:14:36 GMT. Coordinates the operations of the Level One Heart Attack Program, ensures the operations of the Level One Program, and oversees the Level 1 Database and data abstraction activities. Serves as a clinical expert, educator, consultant and liaison for the medical and nursing staff. Participates in the coordination of patient care activities in collaboration with the multidisciplinary health team...

Level One Program Coordinator

Location: Jackson Mississippi

Description: St. Dominic Hospital is at present looking to employ Level One Program Coordinator right now, this job will be placed in Mississippi. More complete informations about this job opportunity please read the description below. Coordinates the operations of the Level One Heart Attack Program, ensures the operations of the Level One Program, and oversees the Level 1 Database and data abstract! ion activities. Serves as a clinical expert, educator, consultant and liaison for the medical and nursing staff. Participates in the coordination of patient care activities in collaboration with the multidisciplinary health team. Identifies and evaluates current clinical practices through performance improvement and provides education as appropriate. Accountable and responsible twenty-four hours per day for managing, guiding, developing and implementing safe clinical practice and high quality patient care for Level One patients. Accountable for the management of human and material resources, the development of personnel, and adherence to the regulatory and professional standards. Leads in promoting the Christian mission of healing and nurturing on the unit level, in the organization and in the community.

B a c h el o r 's d e g r e e p r ef e rr e d or Asso c i a t e ’ s d e g r e e w i t h r e qu i s it e e xp er i e n c e f r om a n a c cr e d i t e d s c hool ! of n u r s i ng. Mi n im um of t h r e e y e ar s' c l i n i c! a l e xp e r t i se r e qu i re d. C u r r e nt Mi s s i ss i ppi R N li c e n s e r e qu i re d; A C L S : c er ti f i c a t i on i n sp e c i a l t y a re a d e s i r a b l e .

About St Dominic's:
St. Dominic’s is a 535-bed acute care hospital specializing in cancer treatment, women’s services, surgery, behavioral health programs and more. We believe that when you join St. Dominic’s as an employee, you join the St. Dominic’s family. Each employee is a valued member of the total care team whose ministry of Christian healing serves the individual needs of our patients. It’s the commitment of our employees that makes St. Dominic’s one of the leading healthcare providers in the southeast.

About Jackson, MS:
St. Dominic’s is located in Jackson, Mississippi which boasts various museums and parks as well as a coliseum that hosts events year round. Downtown is home to Jackson Convention Complex, Davis Planetarium and Thalia M! ara Hall which presents concerts, ballets and operas. Ross Barnett Reservoir is available to the public for boating and fishing

Mississippi is known for long, sunny summers and short, temperate winters. A lower than average cost of living makes your dollar go further. The Jackson metropolitan area is roughly halfway between Dallas, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia and is approximately a 3 hour drive from New Orleans, Louisiana and Memphis, Tennessee.
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If you were eligible to this job, please email us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to St. Dominic Hospital.

If you interested on this job just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website

This job starts available on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:14:36 GMT

Apply Level One Program Coordinator Here

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